
150 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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like your style!!

Walpang responds:

Thank you <3

I love it!!!!!!!!!

Uxvellda responds:

Aww Im glad that loved itt

This song felt like Porter Robinson! nice job :))

kiiri responds:

aw thanks

the title๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

Sakita responds:

the title is the lyrics

I'm impressed.
reminded me of Avatar soundtrack

etherealwinds responds:

Thank you so much Snikio :)

bro it sounds like Attack on titan ost
My god how did you do that

PixxlMan responds:

Wow, thanks dude!

what this is so fire!!
Sounds like john wick soundtrack damn
It would have been nice to have a strong double on vocals but whatever.. f**k it it's fire

Mischa-head responds:

Hell yeah! Thanks for listening!

the drum sounds fire

this isn't exactly Daft Punk, but somehow I can smell their scent. IDK why

Quarl responds:

Lol, I'll take the comparison to DP. Thank you so much Snikio!

I know it's soundtrack loop but i want you to make a song bit longer

SpoiledJif responds:

Yeah id like to make the song longer too just didnt have the time :( had to pack for a vactaion

......You nailed it.

I love the moment I feel artist's genuine love to the song when I listen to music. felt this feeling from spirit fisher, and this one is better.

I confess I wasn't a big fan of spirit fisher because of the drums. (I really liked it tho) but this song's drum sound got me. especially that subtle double kick & snare.

and the 0:33 part is just crazy! love the fx and its rhythm, and love THE 808.

This song could probably be criticized for trying to do too many different things and being less catchy without fully developing one idea.

But what you wrote in the description field - The song explores anxieties of performing, giving the people "what they want", and being true to your craft - explains it well enough. I listened with deep engagement.

can't wait for your next track.

GameBoyFireworks responds:

Thank you so much for such a kind review. I took a lot of risks with this track knowingly, but will win or lose doing it "my way". Thank you again so much for the review and for listening, I truly truly appreciate you.

thank youc for listening!

Age 20, Male


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